Multi-level-Inventory-Sync-in-Amazon-blog-imageManaging inventory across multiple warehouses while ensuring accurate stock syncing with platforms like Amazon is a complex challenge for many businesses. Errors can lead to stockouts, overselling, and missed opportunities. To overcome these challenges, our client needed an efficient, automated solution that integrated their internal SAP system with Amazon, simplifying operations and improving accuracy. In this blog, we break down how APPSeCONNECT successfully streamlined multi-location inventory sync with a custom integration solution.

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The Challenge of Multi-Location Inventory Sync

For large businesses and enterprises, managing thousands of products, SKUs, variants, etc. within multiple warehouses can be a huge headache.

When inventory is spread across numerous distribution centers, each handling different stock levels, ensuring that these stock levels are accurately reflected on a platform like Amazon — where product availability and delivery speed can make or break a sale — is no small feat. The risk of overselling, stockouts, or delayed fulfillment can result in dissatisfied customers, poor reviews, and ultimately, a negative impact on business reputation.


Add in product substitutions, and you have another complex problem to deal with – managing the transition from one product version to another across both the internal system (like SAP) and Amazon listings.

Having faced these challenges first-hand, one of our clients sought a solution that could streamline multi-location inventory sync by automatically updating stock from their SAP system across several warehouses to their Amazon store.

More importantly, they wanted something that could handle product substitutions and real-time updates, ensuring that their customers always saw the most accurate inventory levels. That’s where our custom integration solution came in — automating the process and eliminating the chaos of manual updates.

Our Innovative Approach to Multi-Location Inventory Sync for Amazon

Our solution started with integrating their SAP system with Amazon to automate the syncing of stock levels from several warehouses. Then we took it a step further with additional functionality for product substitutions, enabling smooth transitions between SKUs and ensuring that the correct product was always listed on Amazon without any disruptions.

Let’s see how:

Syncing SAP Stock Data with Amazon

For syncing inventory between SAP and Amazon, the pre-requisite is that the item should have available stock in at least one of the designated warehouses. Once our integration workflow is executed, the inventory for items in SAP are seamlessly synced to the item inventory in Amazon.

Custom Functionality for Substitute Item

For many Amazon sellers, there can be certain scenarios where they must also list substitute products for a particular item. Even in such cases, APPSeCONNECT can sync the item details accurately from SAP to Amazon with a custom-developed add-on functionality, making sure that substitute item listings do not create unnecessary confusion for inventory management.

Customization for New Warehouses

If the client adds a new warehouse, APPSeCONNECT only needs 24 hours to include it in the sync logic. This ensures that the system remains adaptable as the business expands its operations.

Handling Delisted Products

When a product is no longer available for sale on Amazon, the MLI SyncToAmazon field in SAP is switched from “Yes” to “No.” At this point, stock updates are stopped for that item, and any remaining inventory on Amazon must be manually adjusted to reflect the correct quantities.

Real-Time Updates and Amazon Visibility

Once stock data is synced from SAP to Amazon, it will appear under the Available (FBM) field on Amazon. However, it can take up to 15 minutes for the updates to reflect on Amazon’s UI.

You can also see this solution in action in our demo video – Leveraging Amazon Multi-Location Inventory(MLI) via APPSeCONNECT

Benefits of Multi-Location Inventory Sync Across Amazon Stores

Implementing an automated, multi-location inventory sync between ERP systems like SAP and platforms such as Amazon can transform a business’s operational efficiency. Here are some of the key benefits businesses can expect:


Real-Time Stock Accuracy

Automating the syncing of inventory between internal systems and sales platforms ensures that stock levels are always accurate and up-to-date. This reduces the risk of overselling, stockouts, or delays in fulfillment, which can directly improve the customer experience and operational reliability.

Seamless Product Substitution

Managing product substitutions becomes significantly easier with automation. When new product versions replace older ones, the system automatically updates listings across all platforms, ensuring that customers only see the correct, available products. This reduces manual errors, increases efficiency, and enhances brand credibility by maintaining up-to-date offerings.

Streamlined Operations

By automating routine tasks like inventory syncing and product updates, businesses can significantly reduce manual workload. Teams are freed from time-consuming data entry and can focus on more strategic activities that drive growth and innovation. This contributes to a more agile and responsive business model.

Improved Customer Experience

Accurate inventory data and timely updates to product listings mean fewer stock-related issues for customers. When customers have access to real-time stock information and always see the latest product versions, it leads to smoother transactions, fewer order cancellations, and overall higher customer satisfaction.

Why It Matters: The Broader Impact on Business Efficiency

The benefits of automating multi-warehouse inventory management go far beyond just syncing stock data between platforms. Businesses that implement solutions like the one we developed experience broader improvements across various facets of their operations:


Operational Efficiency

Automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as stock updates and product substitution management, frees up valuable internal resources. This leads to greater productivity, faster decision-making and smoother day-to-day operations.

Cost Savings

By reducing manual errors and the time spent on data entry and adjustments, businesses can significantly cut down on operational costs. Automation reduces the need for large teams managing inventory data and helps prevent costly mistakes like overselling or stockouts, which leads to lost revenue and damaged customer relationships.

Scalability and Flexibility

As businesses grow and expand into new markets or add more products, having a flexible and scalable system is essential. A solution like ours allows companies to effortlessly add new warehouses, product lines, and regions to their system without needing a major overhaul. This adaptability ensures that businesses can continue scaling without operational bottlenecks.

Futureproofing Through Automation

As industries evolve and business processes become more complex, automation will continue to play a crucial role. Implementing automated systems today ensures that businesses are prepared for future challenges, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition. The ability to quickly adapt to changing market dynamics, product demands, and logistical requirements is key to long-term success.

Unlock Seamless Inventory Management Across Multiple Warehouses

APPSeCONNECT’s custom multi-location inventory sync, built to update stock data from SAP systems to Amazon, empowers companies to maintain real-time inventory accuracy, handle product substitutions efficiently, and scale effortlessly as they grow.

If you’re also looking to automate and optimize your inventory syncing between SAP and Amazon, we can help. Contact us or schedule a demo today to learn how our tailored integration solutions can enhance your operational efficiency and drive growth for your business.
