Manage-Period-and-Volume-Discount-in-Salesforce-Blog-ImageFor wholesale businesses, managing discounts efficiently can be the difference between a thriving operation and missed opportunities. Effective ways to manage period and volume discount helps wholesalers incentivize bulk purchases and reward customer loyalty. But how can businesses streamline this complex process? Enter Salesforce CRM, a powerful tool that can transform how discounts are managed.

Table of Contents

Managing Discount Strategies on Salesforce

Salesforce CRM allows businesses to automate and customize discount strategies based on specific time periods and purchase volumes. Here’s how:

  • Automated Discount Application: Set up rules within Salesforce to automatically apply discounts during promotional periods or when customers hit certain purchase thresholds.
  • Real-time Analytics: Monitor the effectiveness of your discount strategies with Salesforce’s comprehensive analytics tools. Adjust your discounts on the fly based on real-time sales data.
  • Customer Segmentation: Salesforce makes it easy to segment your customers, allowing you to offer tailored discounts to different groups based on their purchase history or industry.

Industries Utilizing Salesforce CRM

A wide range of B2B businesses from different industries use Salesforce CRM, including but not limited to:

Wholesale: Particularly in consumer goods, electronics, and manufacturing sectors. Salesforce helps wholesalers automate bulk order processing, manage inventory efficiently, and track customer behaviors to offer customized discounts. This leads to improved customer retention and optimized order fulfillment.

Retail: Large retailers use Salesforce for managing B2B relationships and discounts. Retailers utilize Salesforce to automate pricing strategies, implement targeted promotions, and track sales patterns in real time, enabling them to offer competitive volume discounts while managing supplier relationships more effectively.

Technology: Software and hardware providers rely on Salesforce for managing bulk sales to enterprise clients. Salesforce’s capabilities in managing customer lifecycles, automating subscription renewals, and tracking sales analytics help technology firms offer tiered volume discounts and ensure timely delivery of products or services.

Manufacturing: Manufacturers use Salesforce to manage relationships with distributors and large-scale buyers. It enables them to track order histories, forecast demand, and offer volume discounts to frequent buyers. Salesforce also facilitates better coordination with suppliers and helps streamline production scheduling based on sales trends.

Advantages of Using Salesforce CRM

Using Salesforce CRM for Period and Volume Discount Management can provide wholesale businesses with a competitive edge, leading to increased sales and stronger customer relationships.

  • Efficiency: Reduces manual errors and saves time by automating discount processes.
  • Scalability: Easily adjust discount strategies as your business grows.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Personalized discounts improve customer loyalty and satisfaction.


Period and Volume Discount Sync from SAP B1 to Salesforce

Let’s see how Salesforce CRM can effectively manage Period and Volume Discounts where these Item Discounts are synced from the back-office ERP system SAP Business One.

SAP B1 has a separate module for period and volume discounts which stores the details of the discount applied for the respective product based on dates and Quantity.


However, Salesforce lacks the standard Object for Period and volume discounts.

Here, APPSeCONNECT offers a unique solution to sync the Period and Volume discount from SAP B1 to Salesforce.


In SAP B1:

  • Modules used for Period and Volume Discount – Items, SpecialPrices, SpecialPriceDataAreas


In Salesforce:

  • Created a Custom Object “Special_Price__c” in Salesforce to store the data synced from SAP to Salesforce.
  • Object used – Special_Price__c


Then we set up the required configuration to sync the field values from SAP B1 to Salesforce.


Let’s see an example of a record synced from SAP B1 to Salesforce through APPSeCONNECT:

Item Discount Details in SAP B1


Discount Synced in Salesforce


Unlock the Full Potential of Discount Management with Seamless Integration

With APPSeCONNECT, syncing Period and Volume Discounts between SAP Business One and Salesforce CRM becomes a seamless process, enabling businesses to fully leverage their discounting strategies.

This integration not only automates the discount application but also ensures real-time data synchronization, giving companies a competitive edge in terms of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Whether you are in wholesale, retail, technology, or manufacturing, integrating these two powerful systems ensures that your pricing strategies are both scalable and personalized to customer needs.

Ready to streamline your discount management processes and improve your business efficiency? Discover how APPSeCONNECT can help you seamlessly integrate SAP Business One with Salesforce CRM to ensure real-time synchronization of your Period and Volume Discounts. Contact us today to schedule a demo and take your discount strategies to the next level!
