In today’s business world we are always running for the best. We want world class result out of every single application that is part of our business and to make the best out of it we keep pushing its boundaries and try to expose it more and more.

But if there are different requirements for the business, what would one do? Choose the best application for each requirement you have. Isn’t it? But what about the ROI (Return on Investment)? Yes, we all want the best outcome for our business for which we end up investing in multiple systems but the problem comes when we try to integrate these systems.


Integration or integrating application systems is nothing but enabling them to communicate with each other. Now, let me tell you why a business enterprise might need integration – even though you got the best app for each of your requirements, all these requirements are surrounded to one thing only i.e. your business data. Your business data is practically something that needs to be processed through all these application systems in the best possible way and in the least possible time to come up with the best possible outcome. But just like anything else, before integrating too, there are a few things to be aware of. Let’s have a look at them.

1. Choice of System

Choosing your system wisely is essential before starting off with anything. Before investing in something just because of the market value, research about the limitations the application might have.

2. Identification of Key Fields

Identify the key fields of the application using which the data are being stored. Once the research is done, focus on the business data. Each system has the same set of data but performs varied functionalities. Hence, same data is treated in multiple ways. A system does not understand the language of the other but they do need to work with the same data which is maintained using different platforms.

3. Data Mapping

It is essential to draw a mapping of all the data that needs to be transferred. Identify the source application fields from where the data can be procured and decide where in the destination application the data would be pushed for further processing. Once you find out the required fields to get and push your data, it will be easier to understand how you can achieve the integration between them.

4. Choice of correct tools

Choose the right tool for integration which would give you the correct balance between the speed and the functional requirement. Because in a business, there are bulk of data to be processed as well as bulk of requirements which should be satisfied while integrating those huge volume of business data.

5. Make connectors build your touchpoints

Touchpoints are nothing but the execution which happens every time when one application comes in ‘touch’ with the other application in various ways. More number of touchpoints allow you to have better communication between the systems as it gives the chance to sync the data in different systems in multiple ways and keep the business records always updated.

Testing these integrations among systems will help you to learn about different applications. You are not just focusing on a single specific platform but numerous platforms at the same time – it’s nothing less than learning multiple languages in the same class. Moreover, it would allow you to comfortably identify the potential risks of integration.


We always think what are the boundaries or risks we have in an application while building or testing it but we hardly think of a situation where our application might get confronted with another application and consequently, we are not aware how it would behave at that time or what could possibly happen if the systems overlap. This approach teaches us not only to choose the best but also, with the advancing world, keep our choices cross pollinated.

APPSeCONNECT is a smart integration platform which will make your apps communicate with each other seamlessly, thus saving you loads of time and effort and increasing business productivity. This platform integrates a plethora of solutions ranging from ERP to Ecommerce, Marketplace, CRM, POS, Shipping applications and much more.

Check out the integrations supported or ask for a free trial and see it for yourself.

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