How Magento helps you with Digital Marketing efforts

  • Google Site Map: A sitemap is used to inform search engines with a list of pages available for crawling and hence helps in improving the crawl rate and also to improve the search result ranking. Magento provides a built-in function to generate a standard compliance sitemap in XML format containing the URLs of Product pages, categories and other important pages to be indexed by search engines.
  • Search Engine Friendly URL’s: Having a website is not all that you need, getting ranked on search engines is very important. Magento comes with a built in feature of letting you construct search engine friendly URLs.
  • Here is how you can enable the search engine friendly URLs in Magento.
  1. Log in to Administration Area usually **
  2. Click on the *Configuration* button, under the *System* navigation menu
  3. Switch to the *Web* page from the sub-navigation panel on the left side of the page


  • When the page loads, you will see blue lines, which represent closed settings tablets.



  1. Click on the *Search Engine Optimization* tab
  2. Turn on the *Use Web Server Rewrites* mark as *Yes*
  3. Click on the *Save Config* button and you are done.
  • URL Rewrites/ Custom URL give full control of URL’s: Magento lets you rewrite URLs and this helps the web admins to make sure that you have total control over the URL structure. When the URL rewriting is not enabled Magento URLs looks like this: catalog/product/view/id/154 or catalog/category/view/id/17. The ids used in these URLs tells nothing about the product and hence is not human friendly and neither these URLs are search engine optimized. In order to make sure the optimization of each and every page Magento lets you modify the URLs. Magento uses a rewrite engine to match descriptive URLs to its resources. The rewrite engine is a part of Magento core system and is responsible for matching incoming descriptive URLs to controllers, actions, and entity IDs.

For more info, follow the following link:

  • Meta-information for products and categories: The meta information is very important for a Magento site to get optimized for Search Engines. Attributes like Meta Title, Meta Keywords, meta Description lets the web administrator to describe the product and category in the best possible way and hence help a product or product category to rank well in the search engine result page.
  • Meta Title: It should contain Product Name | Category Name | Site Name
  • Meta Keyword: Not much relevant any more, better keep it blank, or if want you can put the product name and most popular search terms related to the particular page.
  • Meta Description: The description plays a very important role in helping your product and category pages to rank well on search engine result page and also helps you to improve click through rate. Having a proper description within the permissible length which gives fair idea of the page is very important.

  • Auto-generated Site Map for display on site: Having a proper site map on your website helps the user as well as the search engines to navigate properly through the website. It’s even more important for the eCommerce sites as the site may contain thousands of product and category pages and hence navigation needs to be smooth. Magento comes with a built in feature to lets you display your site map on site.

Here is how you can do it:

  • Sitemap File Configuration: The first step is to create sitemap file in Magento. This helps in letting the Magento know where to create sitemap file and how to name it.
  1. Log in to Magento Administration
  2. Go to Catalog and click on Google Sitemap
  3. FTP to the server
  4. Create sitemap folder
  5. Chmod the folder to 777
  6. Now go to Magento administration and click “Add Sitemap” button and insert the default values

After the above steps, we just told Magento where to create sitemap file. It is not yet created.

  • Configure Sitemap: It can be configured from interface -> System Configuration -> Catalog -> Google Sitemap
  • Create Sitemap Manually: The final step is to create sitemap, to do so you can enter a manual URL to execute sitemap creation [ID of sitemap from Step a]
  • Auto-Generated Popular Search Terms Page: If enabled, this will allow pages to display your most popular search phrases. This setting should be used to target your users rather than used for SEO. Set it to “Yes”
  • Landing Page Tool for Campaigns: Magento lets you create landing pages for campaigns in order to improve your chances of getting ranked well in paid campaigns. The created landing pages consist all the tags which are needed to get high quality score for paid campaigns. The creation of landing pages is easy as the only things that you need to provide is product details.
  • Recently Viewed Products: Magento comes with a built in feature of displaying recently viewed products in order to improve the conversion on your store. A visitor gets the recently viewed products at the bottom of the store page and hence the product call back factor helps in improving the conversion rate on web store.
  • Create Permanent Redirect for URLs if URL Key Changed: The Magento lets you create permanent redirect for URLs where the URL keys have recently been changed. In a web store we often have to change the key of a particular URL

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