With eCommerce business flourishing on a global scale, it is only evident that only the strongest eCommerce platforms would be employed to handle all the operations. In recent years, Magento has turned out to be one of the most trusted eCommerce solutions in the market.

Though it is being used by millions of businesses globally, there are, however, some most followed practices that contribute towards the smooth running of the Magento-based website. To help and educate business owners, developers and enthusiasts alike, APPSeCONNECT recently organized a webinar titled “Best Practices for Developing Magento eCommerce Store”.

The webinar was scheduled was 26th April and the agenda of the webinar were:

  • Setup Magento Development Environment.
  • Speed up Magento Store by Setting up Caching Mechanism.
  • Best Coding Standards to Follow.
  • Understanding MVC & ORM.
  • Magento Programming Best Practices.
  • Make use of DI and Factory Patterns.
  • Understanding deployment Modes.
  • Test using Magento Extension Quality Program or Magento EQP Coding.

The webinar was presented by Arijit De, a Magento expert – known to ready a Magento website from scratch to delivery. He specializes in B2B business scenarios and is a national level athlete. He has his own website called Code Theatres where he posts different questions and answer to help the growing eCommerce world.ERP-Magento-Integration-1

We would like to thank all the attendees who joined this amazing webinar. We hope it was useful. In case you have missed the webinar, you can check this Webinar Recap which we have recorded:

Webinar: Best Practices For Developing Magento Ecommerce Store

We recently organized a Webinar which talks about the best practices one should follow when working on Magento – from setting up the environment to the best coding standards to follow and mechanisms to speed up. Here is the Webinar Recap which will guide you to create Magento store in the best possible way!

Here are some of the Questions and Answers addressed during the webinar:

1. What is the advantage of using repository instead of the Collection Class?

Ans: The collection class is basically the entry point of the database. So collection class gives you the whole set of data. On the other hand, in the repository, we define the Crud operations like the transactional data. These are interacted with the database via APIs inside Magento. If you maintain a repository and dump all these there, you will be able to access from anywhere.

2. Can you tell something about the Magento Certification?

Ans: This prestigious certification is hard to get; you should go ahead and get yourself through with the best practices around Magento such as the coding standards, programming, etc. You must be very well educated and identified on the topic and must have Magento knowledge at your fingertips. Then you simply create a Magento account and you can raise a mail to Magento and apply for certification. Also, do look into the details and architecture of Magento.

To know more and follow the webinar in detail, watch the video above. Here is the Webinar SlideShare for you:

APPSeCONNECT is a smart and robust business application integration platform that seamlessly connects Magento eCommerce with a host of other applications to streamline operations and facilitate the free-flow of data across various platforms. With moving in the region of iPaaS, APPSeCONNECT proves to be a best-in-the-class platform that easily connects systems to collect data under the same roof.

Now, you can easily connect your Magento Store with the back-end ERP/CRM System to automate the business process!ERP-Magento-Integration-1