Integrate your Outlook Emails with Zoho CRM via BCC Dropbox

If you are using Zoho CRM in your organization, it is likely that you have evaluated Zoho Mail for your internal or external communication. With Zoho Mail, all email conversations are present in one single place – in your Zoho CRM and at any time you can easily access all information exchanged with any customer, potentials, vendor, etc. right from your Zoho CRM. In today’s blogpost, I would describe what is BCC Dropbox and how to activate BCC Dropbox in Zoho to automatically push your Outlook emails to Zoho CRM.

When and Why should you upgrade to Magento 2.x?

It’s been more than a year now since the Magento 2 series got launched. The GA version of Magento 2 launched in November 2015. Magento will most likely quit supporting the 1.x Enterprise Editions in November 2018. Though many existing users of Magento’s 1.x series has upgraded, a majority of the user community is yet to upgrade. People who have invested in getting a new store built in 2015 will not prefer upgrading because upgradation to Magento 2 means a lot of rework from scratch.

Integrate 3Dcart with Amazon to Sync Order Management and Checkout


3dcart has made a centralized order management system in association with Amazon. Now 3dcart store owners can pull in the processed Amazon Seller Central orders directly into their 3dacart store for centralization. This means, 3dcart store owners need not log into two different interfaces – 3dcart Online Store Manager for your 3dcart orders and Amazon Seller Central for your Amazon based orders. They can have a centralized order management system.

How to implement payment gateway in Magento 2

Magento 2 is growing rapidly. We will soon be building our client’s stores on the platform with extensions. Our Magento payment provider gateway is a mechanism that allows you to integrate your stores with payment service providers. As a result, you can create and handle transactions based on order details.

Enable your Magento 2.0 store with B2B features


If you are operating on a B2B model leveraging a digital commerce platform is an absolute must these days. Magento is the world’s most popular, next-generation open-core ecommerce platform and is widely used for B2B as well. Now, out-of-the-box Magento is built for B2C business but due to its unmatched extensibility you can incorporate features to turn it into a B2B store.

How to Sell on Amazon with BigCommerce to Grow your Business

Among major SaaS based ecommerce platform, BigCommerce supports selling on Amazon, Pinterest and Facebook. From past several years, common people like shopping on Amazon and that is the reason why thousands of merchants have adopted the strategy to sell on Amazon. This is also encouraging direct sales through online store.

Why Integrate Dynamics NAV ERP with Woocommerce?

APPSeCONNECT can automate this process by extracting the information from NAV and then push it into WooCommerce. So now you have ready data in your WooCommerce store. With your ERP integrated with your webstore, your entire business cycle, from maintaining stock levels to order processing can be easily maintained and in return, you will reap greater benefits.

Salesforce Einstein: What are the New Features?


No we are not talking about one of the greatest scientist and a sheer genius of all time (Sir. Albert Einstein). In here we are talking about a new AI (Artificial Intelligence) platform introduced by Salesforce built into the very core of Salesforce CRM platform, the basic purpose of which is to deliver advanced AI capabilities to sales, service, and marketing — which will enable anyone to use clicks or code for building AI-powered apps that will get smarter with every interaction.

How to Assign Leads directly in Zoho CRM?

For every organization working with B2B or B2C industry, Leads are one of its primary resources. They play one of the most important role in any organization’s Sales and Marketing department. Leads can be obtained through various resources – extensive marketing campaigns, seminars, trade shows, etc. Your approach on how your organization is managing these Leads, extensively determines your success rate.

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