How Data Migration Tools Can Help Grow Your E-Business


Data migration is a concept not new to the industry. There were several types of research, blogs, news or even tools published just to address this burning problem of the twentieth century. The data migration is generally done programmatically where the data from the old system is mapped to the new system utilizing a fixed pre-approved design set by the vendor or the end user.

XML, JSON and CSV Data Formats: What does the Future look like?


In today’s world, data is the key element for any business. Engineers are constantly thinking to deliver the data in a format which is crisp and understandable. XML, JSON and CSV are great Data Formats to work with. Let us discuss each of these formats one by one and see their mutual pros and cons.

Event Driven Integrations using Webhooks – Explained!


To deal with the problem of data transfer, we traditionally take an approach where the integration waits for the platform to have an update. The traditional approach is fine, but sometimes when the data transfer is supercritical and the business needs require an immediate update on the business data, we must have a mechanism where the data is immediately transferred to the other end as soon as the data is captured in the app. This is the case of Event-Driven Integration.

How to integrate ShipWorks with ERP for business decisions?

Shipping is one of the important aspect to consider for any e-commerce service provider. Timely delivery and proper tracking of shipment is something that all users wants. Using specific solution to ship your items in time is sometimes needed while providing services. The data residing in the shipping application is also important to be transferred to ERP to get meaningful analytics on different aspects of delivery and shipment.

How to Streamline and Manage your Business Processes with Integration?

Business processes are not simple by any means. Even though a single integration point can transfer data objects from one application to another but there is no single API that can map a single business process. A business process is mostly complex and require more than one integration point in recursion to actually perform data integration in a business process.

How to access Lightspeed POS APIs


Like any other business system, Lightspeed POS also needs to get and post data with other systems like ERPs, eCommerce, Shipping systems, Tax Solutions and many other external systems used in organization. To connect these, Lightspeed has APIs with oAuth Authentication for connection. In this blog let’s see how we can have access to Lightspeed POS APIs.

14 Best Practices to Develop the Best Data Integration Platform


Well, integrating two or more applications together so that one application can send / receive data from another is the most important consideration for any organization. With varied amount of data specific logics, it is often cumbersome to define a proper algorithm to integrate your business processes. To deal with such scenarios, you might have kept a number of technical team in your premise to deal with common pitfalls during the day to day operation of integration.

How to design a Multi-tenant application with ASP.NET MVC

Being a SAAS (Software as a Service) based application, we believe multi-tenancy and security is one of the primary concern. We ensure that data from one client is completely isolated from another such that any customization we made to our platform or even done in any other client is not affecting another.

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