Hackathon 2017 – yet another efficacious event by APPSeCONNECT took place on 28th and 29th July 2017 and we were super excited as this was the first hackathon in our new corporate office at DLF Galleria, Kolkata.

The objective of a hackathon is to combine work with fun and in the form of a non-stop two-day event, we all bring in new and innovative ideas, work on something disruptive and execute them end to end to take our product and offerings to the next level!

Like every other year, this year too was a mammoth 35 hours of serious work including coding/designing/marketing combined with fun and team bonding. The best part of a hackathon is that there are no separate departments working on some tasks, whereas members from different departments come together and form teams to execute their projects. There is a great scope of learning during such events and the teams are high on energy.

This year, the whole APPSeCONNECT team was divided into 16 teams who took up the challenge of completing their assigned projects within the stipulated time.

Deviation from the monotonous day to day office life is needed at times and hence we organize hackathons around two times a year. This year, the buzz around the room was notable and the enthusiasm among the participants was amazing, plus it was an added delight to work in our cool new office space!


The freshers were highly energetic and ready to take on every challenge thrown at them and got to learn a great deal under the mentorship of some high-skilled and thoroughly experienced seniors. Sixteen different teams were set to work on innovative and supremely challenging tasks under the mentorship of Atul Gupta, Abhishek Sur, Narottam Das, Samarendra Kishor Ghosh, Avijit Paul, Subhajit Goswami and Md Riaz.


The event started sharp at 8:00 AM on 29th July and continued till 6:00 PM on 30th July. To keep the energy level up there were team building games, good music, and good food – all to take a step forward towards a healthy and happy work culture. Everyone came in at the right time with exuberance on their eyes echoing determination to perform well. That’s why, breaking the monotony is highly necessary in any work life.

There were some regular review sessions which continued multiple times during the 35 hours and the motive of the periodical reviews was to check how much progress has been made and to track whether the teams are going in the right directions. The mentors shared their valuable insights to the teams to move things perfectly for timely delivery. It’s not easy to hold on the enthusiasm for so long but the participants showed that they can do it so smoothly.

It’s not easy to hold on to the same level of enthusiasm under pressure for so long, but the participants showed that they can do it!


The ideas that generated from all the team just surpassed their mentors’ expectations. Excellent innovation, a better strategy for product implementation, promotion strategies etc. were just some of the outcomes from this mega-event.

Finally, five top projects were selected and awarded, but very importantly, every team performed well!


All in all, it was a great event again. From strategic discussions to power naps, from yummy foods to energy drinks at midnight, from team gossip to healthy competition, from endless coding to fun photo shoots, it was an event to remember for many reasons!

hackathon-2017-insynchackathon-2017-insyncWe all look forward to the next one.


APPSeCONNECT is an evolving iPaaS Solution. It helps you connect your business applications like back-office ERP system with the front-end eCommerce websites, Marketplaces, CRM, Shipping Applications and POS systems. It thereby helps to increase the productivity of the business through Automation.integrate-business-applications

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