When an order is placed on the web, you may have customers who put in some comment at the time of placing the orders. This extra information from your customers may add an additional value and asset to have in the ERP system. It might help you to better provide your product and take advantage of customer satisfaction. Following are some examples of what these comments may contain:
General comment or instruction to the order.
Additional information about a recipient
Gift notes
Delivery instructions
Any message depending on the specifics of your store.
Most e-commerce websites provide a way for a customer to add his/her comments to the order during checkout. Magento, however, does not provide a built-in feature for this.
There are many free extensions available for Magento 2.0. For this demonstration, we are using our own developed extension to make it compatible for SAP integration – APPSeCONNECT. Once, we complete installing this mentioned extension, below are the steps to configure it.
1. Go to Configuration -> SALES -> Checkout
Once we enable order comments from back-end, it will appear on checkout page below the apply discount section.
2. Add Comment on Checkout page
Once we will place the order, this comment will appear on magneto frontend as well.
Integrate the Order Comment:
SAP has texts stored in the form of long texts. They are stored within Order Header -> Text as shown in the picture below. As you can see there are multiple texts associated with an order. Each text has a specific purpose and a unique text id. APPSeCONNECT integrates order comments by mapping the customer text to a specific text ID within an order. After syncing the order comment, we can check the comment in ORDER_HEADER -> TEXT section of SAP order.
Video Demonstration
This demonstration video shows how APPSeCONNECT integrates this aspect. Following steps are in the video:
a. Creation of Order in Magento 2.0 b. Placing Order comment at the time of placing the order. c. Syncing order manually using the APPSeCONNECT agent. Showing the resulting order in SAP with the comments downloaded
Managing a B2C business comes with a unique set of challenges. Consumers demand seamless online experiences, quick deliveries, and accurate product availability. But merchants can
Latin America is rapidly becoming a hotspot for eCommerce growth with its massive, digitally connected consumer base. However, succeeding in this diverse and complex market
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are two essential systems for businesses. They serve different functions – a CRM is for lead
How to Add Customer Web Order Comment in SAP ERP from Magento
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When an order is placed on the web, you may have customers who put in some comment at the time of placing the orders. This extra information from your customers may add an additional value and asset to have in the ERP system. It might help you to better provide your product and take advantage of customer satisfaction. Following are some examples of what these comments may contain:
Most e-commerce websites provide a way for a customer to add his/her comments to the order during checkout. Magento, however, does not provide a built-in feature for this.
There are many free extensions available for Magento 2.0. For this demonstration, we are using our own developed extension to make it compatible for SAP integration – APPSeCONNECT. Once, we complete installing this mentioned extension, below are the steps to configure it.
1. Go to Configuration -> SALES -> Checkout
Once we enable order comments from back-end, it will appear on checkout page below the apply discount section.
2. Add Comment on Checkout page
Once we will place the order, this comment will appear on magneto frontend as well.
Integrate the Order Comment:
SAP has texts stored in the form of long texts. They are stored within Order Header -> Text as shown in the picture below. As you can see there are multiple texts associated with an order. Each text has a specific purpose and a unique text id. APPSeCONNECT integrates order comments by mapping the customer text to a specific text ID within an order. After syncing the order comment, we can check the comment in ORDER_HEADER -> TEXT section of SAP order.
Video Demonstration
This demonstration video shows how APPSeCONNECT integrates this aspect. Following steps are in the video:
a. Creation of Order in Magento 2.0
b. Placing Order comment at the time of placing the order.
c. Syncing order manually using the APPSeCONNECT agent. Showing the resulting order in SAP with the comments downloaded
Now, you can easily integrate SAP ECC with your Magento store and automate the Business Process!
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