The holiday season is perhaps the most important part of the year for eCommerce businesses, it is assumed that nearly a quarter of total yearly sales are generated during these two months (November and December). Holidays like Black Friday, small business Saturday and Cyber Monday gives an opportunity to maximize the sale, and the weekend after Thanksgiving is considered to be the biggest shopping weekend of the year. In the year 2014-15 National Retail Federation predicted holiday sales to increase 4.1% (to $616.9 billion) to that of the previous year and this percentage is expected to be doubled this time, hence all the eRetail owners wants to make maximum use of it.
Here are a few marketing tips which will help you boost your sale more than ever before:
- Decoration Is Important: We all will decorate our home this holiday season, so it’s time for your store to get decorated too (yes, your online store) so that it looks good and spread holiday cheers. You can do more like custom logo for the holidays with a little bit of snow or lights or anything that fit for your brand. The giants like Google have been doing it for the times. Just a bit of change in your logo will give you an edge over your competitors in user experience on your website.
- The web site should be Mobile Friendly: In order to reach maximum sales your website must have to be Mobile friendly. Yes, nowadays it’s important for your store that your store should be Mobile Friendly for maximum reach. You can also provide application to your customer in order to make them buy on the go, it will let you send notifications to your frequent buyers as well. Making sure that your website is responsive on mobile devices will make sure that you are not missing out on the people using mobile devices to visits your store.
- Think of Special Offers: Providing personalized gifts for the holidays like Single’s Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Black Friday etc. will give you an edge over others. A recent research study by Gig Coin says that Sales and Special offers play an important role in making holiday purchase decisions. Sending coupons to social media followers or mail subscribers.
- Traditional Marketing Approach: Yes, it can still work for your online store. Sending greeting cards through newspaper ads, brochure, Traditional TV Ads, etc. will help you to make a mark on your client base. You may give a personal touch by sending gifts to your existing buyers and influencers.
- The Customer Is the King, take time to study your audience: Always pay attention to your customers, Monitor and respond them immediately. If you think that your customer expend more time on some particular media channel or on your blog. You may use paid campaign in this particular session to get the traffic on the site, getting traffic is essential for success and long-term growth.
We wish you all luck for this session, hope you get a boost to your sale in the coming holidays.
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