Mastering-Amazon-SP-Feeds-API-webinar-blog-imageAmazon Selling Partner (SP) API is a comprehensive suite of REST-APIs that allows Amazon sellers to programmatically access their seller central data such as listings, orders, payments, shipment and fulfillment, and more. It’s the new generation API for replacing the older Marketplace Web Services (API), and simply put, its function is to help sellers manage their products and orders on Amazon Seller Central without manual effort. SP API involves a wide range of specific APIs, one of them being the Amazon SP Feeds API, whose function is to send or ‘feed’ bulk data to Amazon Seller Central.

APPSeCONNECT recently hosted a webinar where our experts explained and showcased our unique solution that enables bulk data uploads with Feeds API at a faster and more efficient rate. Read on to catch up on our latest webinar and learn more about this solution.

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Webinar Overview – Bulk Uploads with Amazon SP Feeds API

Our recent webinar – Mastering Amazon SP API Feeds, was presented by Akash Nayak, Senior Customer Success Consultant at APPSeCONNECT.

Here’s a sneak peek of the agenda for the webinar:

  1. Introduction to Amazon SP Feeds API
  2. Challenges and Problems faced with bulk data uploads
  3. APPSeCONNECT’s tried and tested solution
  4. Live Demonstration

The webinar ended with a Q&A section addressing some of the viewers’ major queries and questions.

If you missed our webinar but are interested in knowing how bulk uploads and updates can be done easily and efficiently to Amazon, click below to watch the on-demand webinar broadcast.


Challenges in Managing Bulk Uploads with Amazon SP Feeds API

Generally, when uploading bulk data through Amazon SP Feeds API, APPSeCONNECT encountered some key challenges that some of our clients faced. The primary issue was that certain processes like order sync would require multiple data to be uploaded together such as item details, user info, and shipping address, but every data would require an API call. This increased the number of API calls needed to sync bulk data and led to throttling issues.

APPSeCONNECT’s Innovative Solution for Amazon SP Feeds API

Our solution architects have developed an innovative solution that allows multiple data uploads in a single packet. We have rigorously tested and successfully implemented this solution, resolving the throttling issue and enabling sellers to make bulk updates and data sync quickly and efficiently on Amazon Seller Central.

Benefits for Amazon Sellers

APPSeCONNECT’s solution for Amazon SP Feeds API offers several significant benefits for Amazon sellers, ensuring a seamless and efficient bulk data management experience:

Reduced API Call Frequency:

Enabling multiple data uploads in a single packet minimizes the number of API calls required and helps avoid throttling issues, ensuring smoother and uninterrupted data sync processes.

Enhanced Efficiency and Speed:

Sellers can update product listings, orders, and other critical information swiftly. This increased efficiency translates to better time management and quicker turnaround for inventory management, and order processing.


Sellers can save on potential costs associated with API usage limits. This cost-efficiency is particularly beneficial for high-volume sellers who manage extensive inventories and frequent order updates.

Improved Data Accuracy:

By consolidating multiple data points into a single upload, our solution reduces the chances of errors that occur with frequent individual uploads. This ensures higher data accuracy, leading to more reliable information on Amazon Seller Central.


As your business grows, so do your data management needs. Our solution is scalable, accommodating increasing volumes of data without compromising performance or efficiency.

Comprehensive Support:

APPSeCONNECT offers robust support and resources to help sellers maximize the benefits of our solution. Our team of experts is available to assist with any queries or challenges, ensuring a smooth and successful implementation.

Explore Amazon Seller Central Integrations with APPSeCONNECT

By leveraging APPSeCONNECT’s advanced solution for the Amazon SP Feeds API, sellers can streamline their bulk data management processes, reduce operational complexities, and focus on driving growth and profitability in the Amazon marketplace. Watch our on-demand webinar to see this solution in action and learn how it can transform your Amazon selling experience.

For Amazon sellers who are facing similar issues with managing and automating bulk data uploads, contact us today to explore our Amazon Seller Central integrations and our unique solution for faster and more efficient uploads with SP Feeds API. You can also schedule a demo or click below to sign up for a free trial and witness firsthand how APPSeCONNECT can streamline and automate your order management process.
