Magento-SAP ECC-integration-guest-order-sync-blog-imageSAP ECC stands as one of the top ERP systems for enterprises, managing and digitizing business operations efficiently. Meanwhile, Magento empowers businesses to grow their online store with its versatile e-commerce capabilities. Bridging these two platforms is not just advantageous but often a critical necessity for organizations aiming to synchronize their operations seamlessly. At APPSeCONNECT, we specialize in facilitating the Magento SAP ECC integration, ensuring that ERP system and eCommerce platform work harmoniously together to automate your business process.

Our integration solution streamlines the synchronization of sales orders from Magento to SAP ECC, automating the entire process effortlessly. Today, we are highlighting a specific component within the broader framework of sales cycle: syncing guest orders originating from Magento stores by merging them with relevant existing accounts within SAP ECC.

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The Need for Merging Guest Orders with Magento SAP ECC Integration

In a typical B2B scenario, customers are stored as ‘Accounts’ in SAP ECC, with multiple points of contact associated with each account. When a new contact from an existing ‘Account’ places an order as a guest on the Magento store, syncing the guest order to the correct Account in SAP can be a challenge, especially when done manually. This can lead to fragmented data, redundant accounts, and inefficiencies in order processing and customer management.


Our Solution: Order Merging with Magento SAP ECC Integration

APPSeCONNECT addresses this challenge with an intelligent order merging process. Here’s how it works:

  • Identification of Guest Orders: When a guest order is placed on the Magento store, the integration identifies it and initiates the synchronization process with SAP ECC.
  • Account Matching: The system then performs a thorough check to match the guest order with an existing account in SAP ECC. This is done by cross-referencing key data points such as company name, email domain, or other predefined criteria.
  • Contact Creation and Association: If the order is matched with an existing account, the system automatically creates a new contact for the person who placed the order, associating it with the relevant account. This ensures that all orders, even those from new contacts, are linked correctly.
  • Data Synchronization: The complete order details are then synchronized with SAP ECC, ensuring that the backend system is updated with accurate and comprehensive information.
  • Streamlined Operations: This process not only maintains data integrity but also enhances operational efficiency by eliminating the need for manual intervention and reducing the risk of errors.

Step-by-Step Process for Merging Guest Orders


Order Creation In Magento and Association with SAP ECC Customer Account

  • When an existing contact person or individual customer places an order on the Magento store, the order is created as a guest customer.
  • The created order triggers a custom BAPI (e.g., BAPI ZAPP_MERGE_ORD). This BAPI contains fields for customer_id, contact_id, order_id, and a flag indicator.
  • For new guest orders, the flag indicator is initially blank.
  • The integration point – Order Move – associates the new contact person with the existing account or customer in SAP ECC. This operation is performed using the custom Magento API endpoint ‘customers/order-move’.

Flag Update After Order Merge

  • This is a dependent touchpoint for the Order Merge ProcessFlow.
  • Once the order is successfully merged, the flag in the SAP table is updated to “X”.
  • This update is executed using a custom BAPI. For example, ZAPPSECONNECT_UPDATE_MERGE_ORD would mark the flag in the ZAPP_MERGE_ORD table in SAP ECC.
  • This step is a post-acknowledgement dependent process within the Order Merge integration.

Synchronization of Merged Orders to SAP ECC

  • Using the order_id from the Order Merge output, the order details are retrieved.
  • The retrieved order details are then synchronized with SAP ECC.
  • This step is also a post-acknowledgement dependent process within the Order Merge integration.

Benefits of Merging Guest Orders through Magento SAP ECC Integration

  1. Improved Data Accuracy: By ensuring that all orders are correctly associated with existing accounts, businesses can maintain cleaner, more accurate data.
  2. Enhanced Customer Management: Organizations can manage their customer relationships more effectively, as all contacts and orders are consolidated under the correct accounts.
  3. Increased Efficiency: Automation of the order merging process reduces the workload on administrative staff and minimizes the potential for human error.
  4. Better Insights: Consolidated data allows for more comprehensive reporting and analytics, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and sales trends.


APPSeCONNECT’s Magento SAP ECC integration provides a seamless and efficient solution for managing sales orders, especially when dealing with guest orders. By intelligently merging guest orders with existing accounts in SAP ECC, businesses can maintain accurate customer data, streamline their order processing, and improve overall operational efficiency. This specific process within the broader sales order sync ensures that every customer interaction, even from new contacts, is captured and integrated into your backend system, enhancing both customer relationship management and data integrity.

Integrate SAP ECC and Magento with APPSeCONNECT

Choosing APPSeCONNECT for your integration needs means opting for a reliable, SAP-certified platform with a low-code visual builder and user-friendly features. Our team of dedicated experts ensures that your integration process is smooth and effective, allowing you to reap the benefits of true business process automation.

Explore the full range of capabilities offered by our SAP ECC and Magento integration and see how it can transform your business operations. With automated synchronization of sales orders and customer data, you can rest assured that your sales processes are always running efficiently and focus on expanding your business.

Contact us today to learn more about how this integration can revolutionize your business processes, or schedule a demo to see our powerful platform in action!
